By Tijani .O. Sheriff
3rd October, 2019

OKAFOR CHINEDU displaying his leadership qualities at the OZOYA FOOTBALL FOUNDATION TOURNAMENT.

There are many different kinds of leaders, therefore there are no ‘set’ qualities that have to be present in all leaders. Rather an effective leader draws from a range of personal qualities to help them deal with different circumstances and challenges.

Part of growing strong as a leader is through expanding our personal qualities. When we are not strong in a particular quality it is also wise to seek the contributions of others who are strong in that quality. This asks for a complementary team. The well-organised person can help to complement the creative person, and the person with the sense of humour can complement the serious minded person.

Courage: Does not hide from challenging or scary situations; speaks up for what is right even if there is opposition.

Creativity: Thinks of many different ways to solve challenges.

Loyalty: Stays true to friends and family or team members through difficult times.

Honesty: Speaks truthfully; acts sincerely; takes responsibility for own feelings and actions.

Self-regulation: Controls emotions and sticks to decisions; is disciplined.

Forgiveness: Accepts shortcomings of others without anger; gives people a second chance.

Compassion: Thinks of how others are feeling.

Intelligence: Learns quickly and thinks of good solutions; has a love of learning.

Determination: Focuses on goals and works hard to achieve them.

Enthusiasm: Has lots of energy and excitement for life.

Humour: Sees the lighter side of life and helps people laugh.

Fairness: Treats people fairly and advocates for their rights; doesn’t let personal feelings bias decisions.

Generosity: Gives freely of time and possessions; demonstrates kindness.

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